Happy Birthday! John Harrison was born on this day, 3rd April in 1693 Source: Google Doodle https://www.google.com/doodles/john-harrisons-325th-birthday Who is HMS Harrison Scheduler Named After? Over the years we've been asked why we chose to name our scheduler product "Harrison Scheduler". It wasn't named after any of our children or any of the guys who developed the software, but rather after a clock maker born in the late 1600s named John Harrison. John Harrison was an inventor and an expert clock maker who developed numerous clocks but the most profound effect of any invention was the marine chronometer he created to determine the longitude at sea. As you know the earth rotates around its axis and while determining the latitude from the position of stars using sextants, it is much more difficult to determine the longitude and many ships at sea before the days of GPS were wrecked on shores because they got the longitude wrong. John Harrison's H4 Chronometer Source : https://gearpatrol.com/2014/02/18/history-of-the-harrison-h4-marine-timekeeper/ John Harrison developed a clock that was successfully used by a number of trade ships during testing, the most famous was the use of his H4 chronometer by Captain James Cook who went across the Pacific in 1773. Captain Cook used John Harrison's chronometer to make mini maps and for the first time in history, this method was created to do this. No timepiece lost less than 10 seconds over many days of use.
Even today, John Harrison‘s inventions for finding location on the surface of the earth using time, forms the basis of many later inventions. We can credit the time signals from GPS satellites to our mobile devices that we carry in our pockets, in a large part, to the first man who knew how to use time to determine position. When we created our Harrison Scheduler and more recently our optimiser and transport management tools (transit.HMS), Harrison's principles of time and location aligned with our developments to use time to better use resources which may include home-care staff, vehicles and or drivers to deliver community services efficiently. If you would like a look at the features of Harrison and Transit then simply click on these links below or give us a call on +61 3 9898 7055. For Harrison : https://www.hms.com.au/harrison.html For Transit : https://www.hms.com.au/transit.html Contact Us : https://www.hms.com.au/contact.html Comments are closed.